Thursday, July 24, 2014

Summer Reading List

I am so behind on my self assigned summer reading list. It also does not help that summer is almost over. Lately my life has been crazy with events every night. How does summer always fly by so quick, even when I no longer have summer break?! I'm not ready for cooler temperatures yet after that polar vortex of a winter we had. If only it could be summer all year long.

Here are the books that I hope to finish reading by the end of the summer:

The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt - This book also majorly contributed to my lack of progress in my reading list. While Donna Tartt is an extremely talented and imaginative storyteller, The Goldfinch is also very long and it certainly felt long at times. There were many times where I would get bored reading since the story would plateau for too long, only to pull me back in a with sudden turn of events right when I wanted to quit. It reminded me of a roller-coaster in the sense that there the story would fluctuate up and down in terms of excitement. I do recommend it though solely for Donna Tartt's writing talent.

The Silkworm by Robert Galbraith -I absolutely loved the first book in the series by Robert Galbraith, so I'm excited to say that the second one is off to an already great start. Robert Galbraith or should I say JK Rowling is a master of creating suspenseful universes and captivating characters and this book is no exception.

The Vacationers by Emma Straub -I've heard that this is the quintessential summer book-- light, breezy, enjoyable reading. What would summer be without reading a book practically made for it--especially one that is well written with interesting characters or so I've heard.

#GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso -Last year I read Sheryl Sandberg's Lean In and was svery inspired by it, so I am very interested in reading how Sophia Amoruso built her fashion empire. While I currently do not have my own company, I have often thought about starting my own consulting business later in life. I figure it's probably a good idea to pick up as many business tips as I can now.
I Don't Know What You Know Me From: Confessions of a Co-Star by Judy Greer -Judy Greer always plays my favorite character in every movie I see her in, so I figure her book must be pretty entertaining as well. The few excerpts I've read of it have been as witty and enthralling as I would expect from Judy Greer (or what I picture her like with a major bias towards her character in 27 Dresses).

David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants by Malcom Gladwell -I am a major fan of Malcom Gladwell's work. If you have not read Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, I highly highly recommend reading it right away. Now David and Goliath has been out for some time now and gotten rave reviews, but I have not had any time to read it yet (especially since my reading list is actually never ending). I'm hoping this summer I will finally be able to cross it off my list.

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